How Virtual Medical Scribing Benefits All Parties Involved

How Virtual Medical Scribing Benefits All Parties Involved

Jun 09, 2022

How Virtual Medical Scribing Benefits All Parties Involved

Healthcare represents a service ecosystem that is made up of several stakeholders - patients, healthcare professionals, medical scribes, and insurance companies. Virtual medical scribing, the fastest growing field in the US can benefit all parties involved. Wondering how? Well, let us take a closer look at how virtual medical scribing can be a win-win situation for everyone involved.

From the healthcare professional's perspective

Documentation and administrative tasks consume much of the physician's face time with patients. With a virtual medical scribe to chart patient visits in real-time relieves the physician of the task of documentation. Hence, physicians are able to better connect with patients and provide the best possible care that they rightly deserve. As virtual scribes help save more than 2+ hours of documentation time out of physicians' daily schedule, they are able to add more patients to their calendar and all this means their practice will grow and generate more revenue. Virtual medical scribes being highly trained professionals can provide detailed and accurate charting. This results in quick and accurate reimbursements. The cost of availing a virtual medical scribe is comparatively less than a physical scribe due to the low labor and overhead costs. Most importantly, by improving clinical efficiency and relieving administrative burden virtual medical scribes help alleviate physician burnout, a major cause for concern.

From the patient's perspective

The patient feels more comfortable during physical exams and while disclosing private health information without the presence of an additional person in the exam room. The patient is happy with the physician's approach like making eye contact, demonstrating empathy, listening with intent and paying undivided attention without any EHR distractions. Patient satisfaction increases. With the scribe documenting in real-time and the physician focusing entirely on the patient and not the computer makes them feel heard and valued. Moreover, virtual medical scribes are trained to provide high quality documentation. Patients receive good quality care with accurate documentation, which promotes patient safety. Patients also have better access to care as increased slots are available in physician's calendar.

From the virtual medical scribe's perspective

Working with different physicians and scribing for different specialties is an ultimate learning experience that helps them gain a wide knowledge of the medical field. They can use this knowledge and experience as a stepping-stone to pursue further education and training in any health-care related field.

From the Insurance company's perspective

Medical insurance companies prefer complete, accurate and detailed charts in order to avoid incorrect or erroneous cash disbursements. Virtual medical scribes provide accurate and precise documentation. This helps insurance companies avoid any liabilities and disputes that may arise in the future.

Overall, virtual medical scribing is beneficial to all stakeholders in the healthcare ecosystem. If you are looking to hire the services of a virtual medical scribe get in touch with us today and avail our 15 day free trial offer to see if it is a perfect fit for your practice or not.

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